Have you ever wondered why Christians disagree with each other so much?
I cant even begin to describe how privileged I am to be part of the Causeway Coast Vineyard church. This Sunday, the lead pastor, Alan Scott, shared the concept of these 4 different corners of Christianity, and it permeated deep into my theology.
If you are up for a "my theology is messed with" experience that I had, keep reading!
Churches as a whole and individual Christians tend to separate into 4 different corners.
Corner 1: The Bible People
We believe that the Bible is the living word of God. Everything needs to go by the Bible. If its not Biblical, it ain't happening. How is it possible to hear from God without deeply knowing the precious Word He has left here for us?! If it isnt in the Bible, it wont fly by us.
Hebrew and Greek studies, concordances, regular quiet time, head coverings, and memory verses? Yes please!
Corner 2: The Salvation People
We believe that it's all about getting people to make the decision to follow Jesus. It's all about that moment. The moment where a persons eternal destiny is secured.
Yes or No? Hand raised or not?
People are going to hell! Lets tell them the Good News and offer them to get to know Jesus! Lets go into the world and preach the gospel to all the nations, starting from our home town and going to the ends of the earth.
Repent and be batpized! Lets be fruitful. Lets bring as many people into the Kingdom of God as possible. How many people can we give the opportnity to say "yes" to Jesus?
Billy Graham "come to the front of the room and weep" parades.
Hand in the air decisions. Evangelism. Missionaries.
Corner 3: The Signs and Wonders People
We are self professed Holy Spirit junkies. The Holy Spirit wants to fill us and show us His love. We speak in tongues, feel the presence of God (wind and fire, anyone?), and let Him overwhelm us with His love.
God does want us to experience Him personally. How we love being expressive in worship and praying for everything that moves.
Lets do the works that Jesus did, and do even greater things than Him, because that's what He wants. We
aren't saved by our works, but we are judged by them. So lets get to the experience!
Hands raised, drums, electric guitar, speaking in tongues, falling over in the spirit, and praying for dead people.
Stereotypical Charismatics and Pentecostals. Visions, angels, revelations, and treasure hunting.
I wont be satisfied until I see a dead person raised. Boom.
Corner 4: the social justice people
There are children dying of AIDS right now as you are reading this! There are young girls being sold into sex slavery. Jesus said that we are the light of the world, so lets shine brighter. Whatever we do for the little kids, we are doing to Jesus. Lets save the widows and the orphans! Isnt that pure religion?
We have the power to end human trafficking and slavery. If we all are in this together, we can being peace to the world.
We need to raise funds and raise awareness.
Movements and campaigns. Bake sales and fun raiders.
Stereotypical? Maybe?
True? For the most part..
The things that blows my mind the most is that when you are told only one perspective, it seems so Biblical and right.
Which corner do you lean towards? What corner do those around you lean towards?
Have you noticed that the people in these corners often fight with each other?
The Bible people tell the salvation people, "It cant just be about a single conversion moment, but about reading the Bible and getting to know what God is currently saying. The morality has to follow the convertion!". The signs and wonders people say to the Bible people, "You only know God in your head, you have never experienced Him in your heart. Phrarisees!!" The social justice tell the salvation people, "Its great that these people are coming to faith but what does it matter if these new converts aren't doing anything to help the poor and the sick?" The salvation people are telling the social justice people, "You are helping so many people, but are you actually leading them into salvation and into eternity?"
The examples here could be countless. Sadly, if you have been around Christian circles for a while, I am sure that you have heard one of the corners crying out against another.
If these are the 4 corners, what is in the middle of this room?
I wonder how He feels to see all of His kids fighting with each other. I wonder how much it breaks His heart..
I am not saying that we should wipe out denominations and different belief systems, but what I am saying is that UNITY is the thing that Jesus prayed for, for His church.
I wonder how much more impact Christians would be able to have in the world if we stopped arguing with one another and showed the world the love of Jesus.
After all, this is how Jesus said people would be able to tell if we are His disciples.
I pray that every single person who reads this post would be filled with the desire to be united with their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Why? Because thats where I think Gods heart is.
How can this happen? I believe that a time is coming for the uniting of the Bride of Christ, the Church. I believe that a time is coming where the 4 corners will stop fighting. I believe that that time is here. Is this the Kingdom of God that Jesus kept talking about? When the 4 seperate corners become one whole room?
My heart is broken when I see the 4 corners fighting. I was part of the battle for far too long. The Bible corner had me convinced there where no other corners in this room.
I repent and change my ways.
Whos with me?