When you brush against someones arm, it doesn't hurt them.
If they were to have an open wound, it would definitely hurt.
This analogy came to me the other day when I was dealing with a misunderstanding that came up.
Lets say that an open wound represents the pain that people carry from their past experiences & circumstances.
Have you ever noticed that an innocent word or action you made caused a disproportionate reaction in someone you love?
For example, I used to have an open wound in the area of freedom & independence. There had been circumstances in my life that made me feel like I was robbed of my freedom to be myself & independence to go my own way.
If a situation came up when I felt someone was taking away my freedom to make a choice for myself (even in silly things like choosing my clothes or being asked to spend my time a certain way) I would explode onto that person. The poor person didn't know what hit them! What to them seemed like something so trivial and normal (telling me that I HAD to be somewhere and follow a certain dress code) caused an disproportionate reaction in me.
I wonder how many times I have brushed up against someone who as an open wound and then been shocked & offended by the way they responded?
I wonder how many times after brushing up against someone did I poke it even harder trying to understand the situation?
I wonder how many times I didn't know a person was hurting & hurt them even more after their reaction?
Some have open wounds of hurt against God. Sadly, I know many who have been hurt by Gods people, & react accordingly when the subject is brushed against. Do we as Christians get offended & poke them even harder, trying to force them into a relationship with the Father?
What I absolutely adore about Jesus is that He doesn't expect us to try to heal our own open wounds or be the one to fix our loved ones. He knows we aren't able to do that. He says so many times in the Bible that He came to help the hurting. I love that Jesus always understand the wounds & acts accordingly. But most importantly, He doesn't JUST understand. He heals.
Everything about who Jesus is focuses on healing, saving, rescuing & helping.
For too long have we been ignoring instead of helping.
Lets start asking Him to see the open wounds He sees around us & asking for His wisdom & discernment of how to help.
Lets start helping people who have open wounds rather than getting prideful and offended.
Lets start bringing our own open wounds & the ones of those around us to our loving Jesus.
Is there any area in your life that seems to explode every time it is poked?
What reactions that you have witnessed in the past month have been the cause of an open wound?
I really hope this analogy has given at least 1 person insight into a situation they are dealing with.
I hope and pray that every person who reads this blog will become more & more aware of the needs of people around us.
We can have the role of bringing the open wounds of our loved ones to Jesus, the only one who can help. I
ts who we are
ts who we are