Saturday, 24 January 2015

A Wee Act of Kindness

Yesterday I was having a really hard day. Fridays are always tough for my bloom and burn personality.. By the time Friday comes around, I'm barely hanging on. 

I've never really seen the importance of wee acts of kindness (such as writing a kind note for somebody, getting them a coffee, or telling them what a great job they are doing). 
Let me explain.. 

Me saying that sounds quite silly because one of the things I do for a living is teaching kids to get Gods love and then give it away through wee acts of kindness. I preach it, I do it, I encourage others to do it. I always knew this was a good thing to do, but never really understood the significance of it.

 Well.. Honestly, because of how much God blesses me. I'm surrounded day in and day out by people who are constantly sharing Gods love through wee acts of kindness. I am blessed to live in a house with 4 girls who made it a challenge to "outdo each other in showing honor to each other." Thank you God! You can't walk around the corner  in my workplace without someone telling you in a Northern Irish (or Kiwi) accent that "you are awesome" or "God is so proud of you" or "you are doing a wonderful job".  

Count my blessings? Too many too count..

I don't know if that is possible, but the familiarity of wee acts of kindness bred apathy. Maybe even feelings of entitlement?...

Yesterday, Iike I said, was rough. I felt like crying (or did) for most of Thursday and Friday, because of my battle with sickness, feelings of depression, dread and wanting to quit everything I am doing. 

I was out in the Coleraine town centre giving out lollipops and building relationships with young people, as me and my Pais team do every Friday. I was just feeling rubbish. 

Of course I had my joyful American face on, but inside I wanted to quit everything I've worked for, run away, and even stop serving God. Yikes.. I know..

As me and my team were about to go to our next event planned that evening, the pastor of our 1000+ church, Alan Scott, comes up to the interns and says.. "Great job, guys! Can I get you a coffee?"

This amazing man then went off to buy the interns any coffee they wanted, and encourage us for standing out in the cold, building relationships that will show Jesus to these kids.

I was stunned. Surely, he had much better things to do than buy interns coffee?! 

A wee act of kindness. My entire day was turned around. Entitlement gone, feelings of wanting to quit gone, and dread and depression gone. 

A wee act of kindness. A powerful man showing Gods love and appreciation for us made me realize that not everybody lives in such a wonderful bubble of encouragement as I do, and that wee acts of kindness that I have been doing (and encouraging others to do) are so much more significant than I ever knew. 

It made me realize that my one bad day was so much easier than most people have who don't have the encouragement, friendship and support of Jesus in their lives. It gave my work meaning and encouraged me to continue doing what I am doing. 
People's lives are at stake here! 

Can you think of a time where somebody made your day through a wee act of kindness?

If you don't know Jesus as your encouragement and support, or don't know the community of encouragement I was speaking of.. I want to say that I believe with every bone in my body that life is truly, undeniably, 110% better with Jesus and His people.

Do friends of God have hard times? Definitely. Do we feel down and depressed? Sadly, sometimes yes! But as a friend of God, God will always overcome anything our life brings us. He makes our good times in life even better, and turns the bad times in life into learning and growing moments. There's no way to loose with God as a friend.

If you do have God as a friend and encourager, my goal is that this post would somehow help burst any entitlement. We actually don't deserve to be always treated with honour and respect. That's a blessing.
Also, I would hope that this post would help to open your eyes to people who are not feeling as great as you are. Lots of people struggle in life and with haunting thoughts. Even people who fake it, as I was. Ask God to guide you, and see what wee acts of kindness you can do to encourage and uplift those around you.

I am now not only a doer and teacher of wee acts of kindness, but a firm believer. 

Thank you to those who have supported and encouraged me in my time of struggle. And thank you Alan Scott, for caring about your interns :)

Those thoughts that were haunting me, I am still feeling tempted to think them, but I am now choosing joy, choosing hope, choosing thanksgiving and choosing wonder. If you are struggling with any haunting thoughts, (such as of rejection, suicide, worthlessness, or anxiety) tell God. He will send help. Also, tell some people who can pray for you and keep you accountable..

Be blessed, dear reader!


If this post has helped you in any way, please share it with anybody who you think it would benefit. Also, please let me know if it helped you :) 

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