Thursday 8 May 2014

My Little One...

My little one, 

Why do you stray away from the right path?
I am your shepherd, you do not lack a thing!
I bring you into green lucious surroundings. 
(I know your favorite color.)
I lead you to a quiet place.

I provide water and refreshment for your thirst. There is nothing else you need to rely on but me. 
I guide you along a straight path, because of how much I love you; for my names sake!

When you walk in a shadow of something scary, it wont harm you- Shadows dont harm, do they?
Do not fear any evil; but instead look over at me. I am right beside you. I may have to lead you through dark valleys to get to the other side, but dont worry- I am gentle.
The resources I have will comfort you. I am gentle with my rod and staff.

I prepare a delicious feast for you in the presence of those who want to do you harm. I make a place for you to have an abundance.
I revive your drooping head, your cup overflows with blessings!
(I know what you like to drink!)

My beauty and my love will chase after you all the days of your life. Are you overwhelmed?
My goodness will passionately pursue you. 

Will you dwell in my house with me forever?

I am on the search for you. My heart yearns to hold you again. Return to me, little one.
I like you. I love you.

-the Good Shepherd 

(adapted from Psalm 23)

-This is my venturing into uncharted territory of poetry in my life. What do you think?-

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